GST Registration

GST (Goods and Services Tax) is one Indirect Tax for the whole nation, which will make India one unified common market. GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a single Tax on the supply of Goods and Services, right from the Manufacturer to Consumer.

The current taxes like Excise Duties, Service Tax, Custom Duty etc. will be merged under CGST. The taxes like Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, VAT, Entry Tax, Luxury Tax and other state taxes will be included in SGST. IGST will be charged on transfer of goods and services from one state to another state. Import of Goods and Services will also be deemed to be covered under Inter state transactions so IGST will be levied on such transactions. For example, if Goods or services are transferred from Madhya Pradesh to Maharashtra then the transaction will attract IGST.

Documents Required to Resgister a GST

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